Patient Information

Non-Emergency Health Care

Intake Appointments:

Intake Appointments are in general, for health concerns. Health concerns may require Dietary Management, Internal Medicine or Medical Therapeutics. Determination is dependent on the patients biological needs.

The Intake Appointment Length is generally 1 Hr –  and may be extended or shortened dependent on the nature of the illness and the level of care required.

When scheduling an Intake Appointment  Patient Forms are sent to your Email. Forms are to be completed , with signature when applicable, and returned by Email to IHM – (alternatively you may copy your completed forms, and bring with to your Intake Appointment.)

Recommended is to request if applicble, a copy of your recent Medical Records, from your physicians office or recent hospital visit and send by Email to IHM  – (or  make a copy to bring with you to your Intake Appointment .) We are committed to observing patient confidentiality and maintaining discretion.

Reviewing your recent medical record is useful in cases where patients may have difficulty in remembering or communicating their medical history, current use of, and names of medications; and to avoid re-testing and unnecessary additional patient cost.

Sending your medical information also helps IHM to best prepare for patient Appointments and preliminary Email Consultations:

An Email Consultation is a  No-Cost preliminary and Non-Binding Assessment of your Health Care, with Cost Transparency – A Cost Estimate of your Care.


Intake Appointment Cost:

Initil Intake Appointment Cost : $200.00 – $400.00 dependent on the nature of the ailment, and the time invested in your care.

Return Appointment Cost scheduled within 90 days: 1/2 the cost of the initial Intake Appointment.

Return appointments within this time-frame may be prescheduled to review with the patient Test Results; and/or to format  and discuss with the patient their individual Dietary protocols;  to discuss  with the ptient their Holistic Health Care or to devise and  discuss with the patient a Comprehensive Health Care plan; and/or to illustrate or begin a recommended Medical Therapeutic Plan.


Medical Therapeutic Appointments:

Therapeutic Appointments are for External Therapies, such as described within  the content presented on  IHM’s blog website pages.

Therapeutic Appointment Length: 40 Min. or  60 Min.

Therapeutic Appointments primarily for  * Stress Reduction or Infrared Therapy* and Neurofeedbck can be easily booked independently by individuals via Email Approval. 

All other BioTherapeutics generally will require an Initial Intake Appointment.  Therapeutic appointments are recommended based on the patient needs and facilitated within a Comprehensive Health Plan.


Payment Plans:

IHM offers Payment Plans designed to help patients manage Therapeutic cost.

A series of  treatments may be recommended  entailing a numbered amount of visits, for a numbered amount minutes, allocated within a weekly or monthly time frame.

IHM offers patients the convenience of Payment Installments with automatic billing which is managed by the patient, in up to four installments.


Phone Appointments and/or Virtual Consultations:

Phone Appointments and/or Virtual Consultations are facilitated to assist current patients with supplemental protocols and facilitated in circumstances that may prevent the patient from visiting the clinic.

Phone or Virtual Appointment Cost : $90.00  billed in 20 Min. Increments. 

Prescheduled Phone Appointment Date & Pre-Payment details are sent in response to your Email Inquiry. 

Various health conditions can benefit from a Phone or Virtual Consultation without having to visit the clinic.   We will recommend for you which is most appropriate during your Email Consultation.


Medicinal and Generic Prescription Cost:

Prescription cost are independent of appointment cost and paid separately by the patient to the recommended compounding dispensary.

Supplemental Nutrients have a wide-range of cost. We will work with you to help estimate costs and  prioritize fees to fit your budgetary needs.

Health Insurance:

At this time in NY State, IHM is not affiliated with conventional health insurance companies, nor Medicare or Medicaid.

In our opinion Insurance-centered conventional healthcare, is not conducive to optimal health because it forces physicians to accept more patients than they can realistically manage.

Conventional health limits their office visits to 5-15 minutes; including Integrated Health at 25 minute visits; in order to comply with Insurance-Mandated Allowances, and they process enormous amounts of insurance paperwork with physicians working overtime to keep up with the Insurance-Dictated Demands. In complying with insurance-mandated allowances the physicians are restricted, which includes being restricted in the types of medications to which they are permitted to prescribe.


Mask are Required.

Covid Testing Available.


Fragrance-Free Policy:

Fragrance-Free as exemplified by the CDC ( The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.)

Please Refrain from wearing Fragrances when visiting IHM : Such as found in personal body products, scented deodorants, aftershaves, lotions, cologne’s and perfume’s.

(Chemicals used in synthetic fragrances found in common  everyday body and hair care products often contain Neurotoxins which damage the nervous system and brain, and may also contain: Endocrine disruptors (disrupting the normal functioning of hormones), Carcinogens (contributing to the development of cancerous cells), Hepatotoxins (damaging the liver), Mutagens (altering the DNA in cells), Allergens (causing allergic reactions), Reproductive chemicals (adversely affecting fertility), and Teratogens which are Embryotoxins (that interfere with the normal development of the embryo or fetus).

IHM’s Cell Phone Policy:

Please turn your cell phone off and put your cell phone away before entering IHM facilities.

Many individuals exhibit sensitivities to cell phone use and other wireless devices with symptoms pertaining to erratic sleep, low energy levels, headaches, dizziness, cardiac arrhythmia, rashes, facial flushing, anxiety, tinnitus, infertility, impaired memory, inability to concentrate and agitation in the presence of such devices.




Facilitated by Metaji Dvaja Khi.

Beginners level attempts to bring the individual to the substratum, a threshold consciousness  (between the various states of consciousnes) where the underlying ground of consciousness is undistracted.

Nyasa Meditation is conveyed to consciousness by Ahata Nada in which mechanical energy is converted to electrochemical energy transformed by the sensations of Ahata Nadaa. This brings the individual to a state of awareness existing between awareness and sleep where one can then transition unto higher states of yoga. Nada is the hidden energy that connects the outer and inner cosmos.

Research has shown Nyasa meditation ( the beginers level) also beneficial for healing from Trauma and PTSD.


Beginner Level: Nyasa Meditation (Dhyana).

 Instruction of Nyasa is a gradual entry, into experiencing the very deepest state of meditation.

1 Hr. Individual Meditation;  ( &  1.5-Hr, Small Group Nyasa Meditation – pending)

Individual Meditation in Nyasa presents the dicipline and potential for experiencing  the “essence of liberation”  (Brahman)  as the  luminuous, self-born , resplendent  consciouness. The foundation of knowledge. The pinnacle of human experience.

As the rising sun slowly disperses the darkness of night, pranayama removes the impurities and refines the sadhaka and prepares his body and mind to become fit for concentration (dharana). Patanjali Yoga Sutra, II 52, 53· 


 Advanced Level : Pranava Yoga Meditation 

(Individual Guidance:  to anyone seeking it sincerely.)

The Three-fold Sacred Science.

Pranava is primarily for meditation practitioners who have already experienced various lower Samadhi’s or possibly Brahman though who have not yet transcended beyond unto the Supreme Brahman Paramatman /Kevalajnana / (Mukti); or Moksha (final liberation)

Pranava Yoga is Meditation (Dyhana) and (Dharana).

Concentration on the Sacred Pranava gives prana to the mind and brings one directly in connection with pure transcendental energy. (Turiya & Turiyatita)

“Who like the sun takes three strides (vikrama) across the three kinds of space.”

Pranava is a force that is capable of transforming all the elements of the cosmos. It represents an indescribable amount of brightness of light.

Only established adepts of yoga can contain it within their physical form.

Samadhi Pada

( Pantanjali Sutra 1.27)


The  Disciplines:

Medieval Yoga as taught by Pantanjali


Ancient Indian Mathematics (Jaina)

(Anuyogadwara Sutra (c. 200 BCE – 100 CE)


All InquiriesL Please contact the IHM office by Email.